Jurnal Title Tazkiyah Educational Research Journal
Sort Title TERJ
ISSN xxxx-xxx (Print) | xxxx-xxx (Online)
DOI Prefix -
Editor in Chief. Hakmi Wahyudi
Publisher Yayasan Penelitian, Penerbitan dan Publikasi Berkah Indonesia
Frekuensi 2 issues in a year
Email journaltazkiyah@gmail.com
Tazkiyah Educational Research Journal (TERJ), with ISSN: xxx-xxx and E-ISSN: xxx-xxx, is a national journal based on scientific research, proudly published by State Yayasan Penelitian, Penerbitan, dan Publikasi Berkah Indonesia. This journal focuses on the publication of research articles, conceptual pieces, field study reports, and book reviews within the field of Islamic studies (see Focus and Scope). These articles are published twice a year. (2 issues per year).
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